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Monday, May 21, 2012

My new toy!

For my birthday this year, my wonderful husband purchased me a dSLR camera!! Specifically a Canon Rebel T3!  I was quite excited~

from iPhone
from Canon
Isn't she a beauty!?

That night, Mike (aforementioned husband) got to be my model!

Love those eyes =)

The camera takes damn fine pictures... The next day, I was enlisted to help a friend with a wedding and I took some pictures there too!


We also went over to Mike's parent's house to celebrate his mother's birthday (Jenny) and I went a little crazy taking pictures there.... lol.  Funny story: Jenny and I now have the same camera! =D

Piper, Mike's little sister
Mason, Mike's little brother
Jenny, Mike's Mom.  Happy birthday!!

Mike, being Mike =P
Mark, Mike's Dad

And, here are a few macro shots... cause they're pretty!


I love my new camera! 
Thank you, hubby ;D

Sunday, May 20, 2012

This is my first post! Are you as excited as I am? I hope so.
My goal here is to have a spot to showcase all the "stuff" that I make.  Anything and everything from sewing projects, to pictures of my pets!

A little about me:
I'm Katy.  I'm 28 as of last week.  I'm a newlywed who is completely blissful in her marriage.  I'm hoping to be a mommy soon and I'm excited to be on the cusp of having all of my dreams come true. 

I look forward to sharing my passions with the interwebz and seeing what feedback I receive! 

Thanks for reading!