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Monday, July 23, 2012

Quick post before work!
I dressed up my camera ;D

A few projects that I have completed and need to share!

Purse I created for my sister.  It's reversible ;)

I made this chalkboard from an ugly painting I bought at the thrift store for $6!

This knife block cost 99 cents at the thrift store and was hideous.  I gave it new life!

We took a trip to the zoo a few weeks ago and I got to take some amazing pictures of the beautiful animals and the gorgeous daughter of my friends ;D


For inquiries about photo shoots in Columbus and central Ohio, find me on Facebook (Katy Simms)! Or shoot me an email at
I did a photo shoot with a great couple a few days ago!
Thinking of starting this more regularly =)
Enjoy the pictures ;)

(These are just my favorites!)

Their little love bug Ana!

Can't you see the love ;)

Braveheart much?

For inquiries about photo shoots in the Columbus and central Ohio areas, find me on Facebook (Katy Simms)! Or shoot me an email to