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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Photo Challenge Days 4,5,6

Continuing with the Photo Challenge, and my procrastinating finishing the edits I need to do, I'm going to post a few days!

First, to start off, Day 4: my favorite color!  I'm not sure what exactly made purple my favorite color but it has been for as long as I can remember.  I was thrilled to live in a town that loved it as much as I did! ;)

This picture is of the trailer used to transport equipment for the marching band for which I am an alumni.  I LOVE the marching Tigers and try to support them as much as I can... I was a part of their alumni celebration last year and hope to do it again this year! =D

Next we'll go with my favorite day of the whole challenge, Day 5: someone I love =)
This will of course be a picture of my husband!  I took this while he was napping... and he was not amused ;P

And, let's enjoy a little photo montage, shall we? ;D

He really is wonderful!

Which brings us to Day 6, a childhood memory.  I debated for a while about what picture to use for this memory.  I didn't take this picture, but it holds lots of special memories for me =)
This is a picture of me and my aunt and uncles sitting on top of my grandpa's fire truck.  My grandpa used to be the volunteer fire chief of the little town in Louisiana in which they live.  We used to ride on the fire truck during parades and throw candy out to all the little kids.  It was so much fun!!  I have very fond memories of not just the parades and fire trucks.. but of these people in the photo too.  They are very special to me and it pains me that we don't keep in touch as much as we should.

Also in this picture is the rear end of my dad's favorite car!  There are tons of pictures of me with this car (that I lovingly named "Blue Streak" lol) and I can still remember the smell of it... I think it's still rusting out behind my grandpa's work shop.  Very sad.  I loved that car!

So far, I'm loving this challenge =) I hope you are too!!

Do you have any favorite childhood memories you'd like to share??

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